How do the weeks seem to just fly by faster and faster? Can someone please press the "pause" button so we have time to take all of life in AND get the garden weeded? Enjoy our memories of the last few weeks on the farm.
The first big event was harvesting garlic on August 8th. We didn't get as big of a crop as we had hoped, but that's okay, we are learning. We are letting the garlic cure on big screens and will be selling our extra cloves soon. We need to separate out cloves we wish to plant in November for next year's garlic crop. The old garlic bed will make a perfect location for a fall garden of greens, peas, radishes, etc.!
The rest of the garden continues to grow and produce. We have harvested cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, green beans, yellow summer squash and zucchini. We hope the plants keep on producing, as they were late getting going this summer.
The vine garden is really starting to take off, but we have learned that pumpkins will mainly do whatever they want, and they don't like to be confined to a trellis. Next year they will get less trellising and more real estate for vines.
We have had a lot of bumblebees on the farm this year, and they are really loving the borage and onion blossoms. It's difficult to snap a photo of a bumblebee as they move around so fast!
The chickens continue to "help" us in the vine garden by tearing up the paper mulch to get to the soil beneath. They love to follow us around the farm to keep and eye on us. They also like to run their "chicken circuit" around the yard each day.
Whew! The work never stops. No wonder we are exhausted. Have a great week!